Curry bread (kare pan)
A delicious Curry-filling, with a fluffy-chewy texture, plus a crispy Panko breading: this is Japanese curry bread, or Kare Pan and is one of the favorite pieces in Japanese bakeries! If you are a big Fan of Japanese Curry, then you should definitely try these heavenly buns.
The best thing about Kare Pan? For me, this is definitely the warm, slightly chewy, and super crispy yeast bread rolls! The combination of deep frying with the hearty Curry inside – Kare Pan makes me just addicted.
What’s Kare Pan, or curry bread?
Kare Pan is Japanese Curry wrapped in bread dough, lightly coated with Panko bread crumbs and then fried until it is golden brown. This curry breads you find in bakeries and Convenience Stores all over Japan. It can be eaten for breakfast, as a Snack for lunch or simply at any time of day.
Tip: Kare Pan tastes really good as a Snack on the go on a day trip!
For the curry filling you can use mostly leftover Curry wich you put overnight in the refrigerator.
You can use any of the curry varieties that are suitable for the Kare Pan. you can fill the Curry rolls with vegetarian Curry (with mushrooms instead of meat).
Before we start, we have three more important hints for you:
- Don’t roll out the dough too thin!
- Do not overfill the dough plates with too much curry paste!
- As soon as you put a roll in the oil, you should turn it’s side after a few seconds to avoid burning the rolls!
Good luck, have fun and enjoy while trying the recipe!
Menu Type: Side Dish, Pastries, Snack
Difficulty: For Advanced
Ideal for dinner, celebration, on the go snack, lunch
Preparation: 30 Minutes
Cooking Time: 20 Minutes
Waiting Time 1,5 Hour
Calories p. p.
- 200 g wheat flour
- 1 TSP salt
- 2 TBSP sugar
- 3 g yeast (dry yeast)
- 125 g of milk (at room temperature)
- 10 g Butter (at room temperature)
- 300 g Curry (from the day before; best to puree briefly to a Paste)
- 1 Egg
- 60 g Panko (typical Japanese breadcrumbs)
- Oil for deep frying
Before you start cooking, check the ingredients for the Kare Pan (tip: you should prepared the Curry the day before, put it in the fridge overnight and puree it to a kind of Paste before use).
For the dough:
step 1 Mix in a large bowl the flour with the salt and sugar. Then add yeast and milk (at room temperature). Stir it all together with a spoon.
step 2 mix the dough put the butter in the middle of the loosely stirred dough and knead the dough with your hands to a uniform dough ball (preferably do this not in the bowl, but on a slightly floured work surface). This can take a few minutes (don’t mind the greasy consistency, which is caused by the Butter – this usually passes after a few minutes of Kneading).
step 3 knead the dough
Put the finished dough back in the bowl and cover it with some cling film – then the dough does not dry out. Leave the dough for 1 hour in a warm place.
step 4-let dough go
After the dough has risen slightly, lift it out of the bowl and knead it again briefly. Now divide it with a knife into 8 equal sized pieces (at 200 g flour) and roll each piece to a small dough ball.
step 5 divide batter Press each of the dough balls with the palm flat on a floured work surface and roll them with a rolling pin into a round dough loading (about 10 cm in diameter).
step 6 roll out dough
For filling the Kare Pan:
Take one of the dough flakes and place a tablespoon of curry paste in the Middle (do not overfill the buns, because this will be a Problem when frying!). Also, be sure to keep the dough edge dry!
step 7 dough filling
Use your fingers to hold two opposite sides of the dough ribbon and press both sides of the length together very firmly with the fingertips. Then fold this closure over again and press the fold again with your fingertips-so you prevent the filling from running out in the hot oil.
step 8 roll forming
Place each filled dough piece on a piece of baking paper with the” seam ” down.
step 9 roll on baking paper
In a small bowl, whisk the egg and prepare the Panko.
step 10 preparing for panning
Brush each piece of dough gently (do not tear the dough) on the top with a little egg and place it in the Panko with the top down. Now brush the other side and twist the bun in the Panko, so that Panko sticks everywhere.
step 11 Put the buns back on the baking paper and let them stay covered for another 30 minutes (for example with a kitchen towel).
step 12 buns are ready for frying
For deep frying:
step 13 Heat the Oil in a suitable pot (or – if available – use a deep fryer) to about 165 to 175°C. using pliers, Put one of the rolls in the hot Oil and turn immediately to the other side. Frying takes 2 to 3 minutes per roll-wait until the Panko is golden brown. Put the finished Kare Pan on some kitchen paper to drain.
Now the Japanese Curry rolls are ready and can be eaten directly (but also the next day-when the curry filling has given flavor to the dough-they are almost even more delicious). Itadakimasu(Enjoy)!
Do you have any further questions or suggestions on making Kare Pan? Then simply use the comment box below! We are always looking forward to stimulating and helpful comments on our website.